MM T codes List in SAP |
MM01 | Create Material |
MM02 | Change Material |
MM03 | Display Material |
MM04 | Display material change documents |
MM06 | Flag material for deletion |
MMAM | Change Material Type |
MM11 | Schedule the creation of a material |
MM12 | Schedule the change of material |
MM13 | Activate scheduled changes for a key date |
MM16 | Schedule the deletion of a material |
MM17 | Mass Change |
MM50 | MaList extendable materials |
MM60 | Material list |
MMBE | Stock overview |
MMPV | Close period |
MMPI | Initialize Period |
MM70 | Sel. Materials Flagged for Deletion |
MM71 | Reorganize Materials |
MM72 | Display Archive of Materials |
MM73 | Special Stocks: Preparation |
MM74 | Archive Special Stocks |
MM75 | Display Archive of Special Stocks |
SARA | With object MM_MATNR: Archive materials |
SARA | Archive batches and special stocks |
SARI | Archive Information System |
MM90 | Analyze ALE Appl. Log for Material Master |
MB51 | Material Document List |
MB52 | List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand |
MB21 | Create Reservation |
MBST | Cancel Material Document |
MB5T | Stock in Transit |
MMBE | Stock Overview |
MMDE | Delete All Materials |
MMNR | Define Material Master Number Ranges |
XK01 | Create Vendor |
XK02 | Change Vendor |
XK03 | Display Vendor |
ML33 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ME11 | Maintain Purchasing Info Record |
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME51N | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME52N | Change Purchase Requisition |
ME53N | Display Purchase Requisition |
ME41 | Create RFQ/Quotation |
ME42 | Change RFQ/Quotation |
ME43 | Display RFQ/Quotation |
ME31L | Create Scheduling Agreement |
ME32L | Change Scheduling Agreement |
ME33L | Display Scheduling Agreement |
MEQ1 | Create Quota Arrangement |
MEQ2 | Change Quota Arrangement |
MEQ3 | Display Quota Arrangement |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME22N | Change Purchase Order |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
ME29N | Release Purchase Order |
ME59N | Automatic generation of Purchase Order |
MIGO | Post Goods Movement |
MB1A | Goods Withdrawal |
MB1B | Transfer Posting |
MB1C | Post Other Goods Receipts |
MB01 | Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
OMJJ | Customizing: Define New Movement Types |
MIRO | Enter Incoming Invoice |
MIRA | Fast Invoice Entry |
MR8M | Cancel Invoice Document |
MRBR | Release Blocked Invoices |
OMR6 | Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification |
MIR5 | Display List of Invoice Documents |
MIR6 | Invoice Overview |
MIR7 | Park Invoice |
MRIS | Settle Invoicing Plan |
AC02 | Service Master |
ML81N | Create Service Entry Sheet |
MRRL | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
MMB1 | Create Semi Finished Product |
MMF1 | Create Finished Product |
MMG1 | Create Returnable Packaging |
MMH1 | Create Trading Goods |
MMI1 | Create Operating Supplies |
MMK1 | Create Configurable Material |
MMN1 | Create Non-Stock Material |
ML20 | Create Conditions |
ML30 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML31 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML32 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML33 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML34 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML35 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML36 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML37 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML38 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML39 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML40 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML41 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML42 | Create Service Conditions |
ML43 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML44 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML45 | Display Service Conditions |
ML46 | Change Service Conditions |
ML47 | Display Service Conditions |