

What is SAP Go Live Strategy, Cut off procedure and Pre - Go live check Procedure | How to SAP Go Live

INTRODUCTION to SAP Go live strategy

The Go-Live strategy comprises the following:-

1) Cut off procedure
2) Pre - Go live checks.

What is meant by the cut-off date?
SAP systems are configured according to customer requirements. The system is ready for customer use. Now the customer has to migrate from the legacy system(s) to the new SAP system.

The transition from the old system to the new system is known as the termination date. the old system is shut down and the new SAP system is activated.

The data will be migrated from the old system to SAP. From now on, the data will be entered into the new SAP system.
A decommissioning process is in place for a smooth transition from the old system to the new SAP system.

What is mean about Pre – Go live check?

It is ensuring that the SAP Production system is ready to go live smoothly.
We will divide the activities as follows:-

A) Pre–Go-Live activities
B) Pre–Go-Live checks
C) Transport transaction data into the system

Pre–Go-Live activities:

1. Master data Upload into the Production system.

Make sure all the master data is Uploaded into the production system.

Basically, we will cover the basic data that needs to be loaded with the responsible module.

Material Master – Basic in charge of MM: All the particular views of the material master the other modules responsible. Make sure that all the required views are Updated in the system.

GL codes - FI

Customer Master - FI (accounting view) and SD sales view

Vendor Master - FI (accounting view) and MM purchasing view

Secondary cost elements - CO

Profit centers - CO

Cost center - CO

Activity type – CO

Bill of Material – PP

Work Center OR Resource – PP

Routing OR Master Recipe – PP

Purchasing Info Record – MM

Service Master Data- MM

Bank Master  Data - FI

Quality Info Record Data – QM

Quality Inspection planning

2. Upload the Cost center planning

Cost center planning must be updated through (T Code) transaction code KP06 or using excel upload.

3. Execute the Distribution cycles within cost center accounting

The plan distribution cycles allocation, assessment) must be executed in the cost center accounting module. This will allocate the cost from the services cost center / sender cost center to the receiver co-cost center.

4. Planning Activities Updated

After completing the scheduled allocation steps, the production cost centers are ready with planned costs.
You can now calculate activity values through the app or manually update some values with an external calculation. The scheduled operation must be updated with transaction code KP26.

5. Calculate the Prices of Activities:

Calculate the activity prices using transaction code KSPI.

6. Execute Material costing run of plant/single 

The calculation of the product cost of goods for all semi-finished and finished materials in the system is carried out with the transaction code CK40N. This should be run after all BOMs and Main Recipes have been uploaded.

Product costing takes a long time to complete and should start well in advance of the release date. Usually, product costing needs to be run repeatedly (3-4 times) because the data needs to be corrected and the costs compared to existing old costs.

Possible errors when performing product calculations are:

1) The moving average price or the planned price is not properly tracked in the material master

2) Wrong amount in the ingredient list, wrong number of base units in the ingredient list

3) Incorrect amount (hours, KWH, etc.) for activities in Routing or Master Regulation.

4) Incorrect Alternate Measurement Unit

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